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Cicle de conferències: Overcoming procrastination


L'Institut Joan Miró ha comptat amb la presència de Goldie Uttamchandani, qui ha ofert una xerrada al nostre alumnat de 2nBAT mirant de superar allò tan recurrent de deixar les coses per a l'endemà. Després d'escoltar-la i de participar en les seves propostes podríem dir que el lema ha canviat: no deixis per demà el que puguis fer avui.

Moltes gràcies Goldie!! 

Les reporteres Paula i Carla comparteixen les seves impressions sobre la xerrada:

Hello everyone!
We are Paula Martín and Carla Ceprian from second year batxillerat here in the high school. On the 12th January, we had the oportunity to meet Goldie U, a PCC Coach and Author. She tried to help us to achieve our goals, to bring out the better of us, with her workshop. She talked about a lot of aspects and we made some activities. At the end all of us knew which type of person we are, in our case me, Carla I am a pleasant person and Paula is a rebel.
We really enjoyed and also recommend this type of talks.

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